1 of 26 cover dp

Several years ago reports began to surface about two extraordinary incidents.

They became known as the M6 Paranormal Crash and the Paris Paranormal Crash and these reports spread throughout the world; there was even a video released claiming to be from the scene of the M6 crash. 

The video can be viewed here:


I was intrigued by how these reports spread across the world so carried out my own investigation and released a book chronicling my findings called Fact or Fiction.

During my investigations I managed to track down someone who claimed to be in the car that captured the video from the crash, here’s a short clip from that interview I conducted a few years ago:


Then things went quiet.

That is until a recent book called 1 of 26 surfaced claiming to be about these reports and also detailing other so-called ‘facts’ surrounding the incidents. The writer claimed it would reveal ‘the real story behind the headlines’. It was written by an unknown author going by the name ZWT Jameson. I say that he goes by that name as nothing ever seems to be clear cut about the story. After various online exchanges he agreed to an interview.

This is the interview I conducted with ZWT Jameson via Twitter. The conditions were that everything was conducted via the platform and via DM. We have not met face to face, and obviously with social distancing and travel restrictions in place, this format was the best way to connect with ZWT and conduct the interview.

This is what he had to say.


Firstly thank you for agreeing to the interview, and perhaps the first question should be that given some of the subject matter in the book, isn’t there a touch of opportunism attached to the release date of your book?


Not at all, the original draft was ready about 2 years ago, I just spent time working on the edit


So I think the the next question that comes to mind is the tag line, it’s being touted as ‘the real story behind the headlines’ – can you explain this please?


It’s exactly that, the real story that goes some way to explain the original headlines surrounding the reports into the ‘M6 Paranormal Crash’ and the ‘Paris Paranormal Crash’


So that suggests that the book has been researched and you have interviewed people to authenticate these headlines – is that correct?




So if that’s the case why has it been released as a science-fiction thriller and not released as non-fiction? If, as you say you have, interviewed people about the subject matter in the book, then surely it’s non-fiction?


I had to be very careful because each interview was carried out in confidence and via online channels so whilst I can say this is the real story, I cannot independently verify that any of what I’ve been told during those interviews is true.


By that you mean the elements of time travel and also issues surrounding the two incidents that allegedly occurred on the M6 and in Paris?




I mentioned earlier on about the timing of the release and a touch of opportunism attached to it, this directly relates to the fact that in the book you, or should I say one of your characters, talks about a virus that spreads and develops into a pandemic and that the only way to create a vaccine to halt its spread is to travel back to our time to gather ingredients to manufacture this – how comfortable are you about publishing this sort of narrative given the times we currently live in?


The first draft was ready about 2 years ago so that makes me totally comfortable, but also as you will have read, there are many different narrative strands to the book and the virus is just one component, so to suggest this book is all about a virus isn’t accurate 


Ok – but this is a central plot point


Along with time travel, alleged government diversionary tactics, corporate insider trading, tyrannical rule, the conditioning of a society, and allegations surrounding first contact to name a few


Ok – on First Contact, one of the points raised in the book, and I presume from one of your interviews, is that this allegedly occurred in 2009 and evidence of this is stored on the International Space Station – do you believe this to be the case?


I can only relay what I was told in the interviews. The person who gave that interview went by the name of Steve Garner, not his real name, but he went into great detail about what he was told concerning the cover up. Another interviewee went into detail about a preceding incident that centred on one of Jupiter’s moons, Ganymede and how the alleged contact was covered up due to concerns if the real facts about that leaked out into the public domain.


And you feel these testimonies are believable?


I can only take it on face value which is why I listed the book as science-fiction 


So is this book predominantly about witness testimony or your own supposition?


Probably a bit of both. I had to make it read like a book so took the interviews and pieced them together into my own narrative.


Did you in any way take those interviews and exaggerate them to skew this book towards your own narrative agenda?


No. As best as I could I took them on face value and stitched them together so they made sense.


The book seems almost prophetic when you go into subject matter like the virus and also when it discusses the whole scenario regarding the downfall of authority based on the rollout of something you called a Carbon Quota System – something you suggest will be used to manage people’s carbon footprint – did you feel at any time during the writing process that this was the case?


It’s hard to respond to that question because when the first draft was finished about 2 years ago we were in a far different place to where we are now. But when I look back and compare the world to the place we are currently living in, yes, I suppose it does have a certain foreboding feel to it.


Did you have that foreboding feeling during those interviews?


Not really, as far as I was concerned I was researching for a book and nothing else crossed my mind


But this is also a book that talks about time travel and the research of Ronald Mallett – a man who is famed for his theories on the subject – did that at least make it feel real?


If you’re asking me if I think time travel is possible, then the answer is yes, but in the context of the interviews for the book I wasn’t sure that anything imparted to me during those interviews constituted adequate proof


So would you consider your position as someone who was a skeptic during those interviews?


I was always open minded given the source material. If I was to come across as a skeptic and to take a defensive position that wouldn’t have worked. I knew that I had to instil confidence in the interviewees to ensure they would be as open as was possible during that process.


And was there any point at all during this process where you felt that you were going to call time and walk away?




Did that open minded attitude colour the final version of the book?




So how would you feel if someone called it out as a hoax?


The book is labelled as science-fiction so I have no issue with that – books are meant to stimulate debate and if that is where the debate winds up I wouldn’t be concerned as everyone is entitled to their opinion


And what about the people you interviewed – what do you think their reaction would be?


I can’t speak for them but they knew what they were getting into when they agreed to the interviews.


Have they read the final version of the book?




Are you able to divulge any reactions they had to it?


They didn’t say anything negative about it, so I guess they must be happy with the final draft


I read a resent piece published by Larry Hobson (this man claims to represent ZWT Jameson) that connected a specific weapon in the book to a CIA weapons development programme carried out at Area 51 – can you elaborate on this?


Larry and I spoke about this weapon, the DNA gun, and how this was brought up in one of the interviews I conducted for the book and he felt it made for an interesting article


So are you comfortable with the allegations made in the piece that suggest the CIA had access to alien tech stored at Area 51 to develop this and maybe other weapons?


Absolutely. The source material was based on the interview, the suggestion was made so yes, I’m comfortable with it


And for the readers, can you explain how this weapon works?


Put very simply, and I think Larry made the same point, the weapon discharges rounds that track the intended victim using their DNA. It’s a short range weapon


I think the point was made in the piece is that in effect the DNA gun discharges rounds that have their victims name on it – is this correct?


Yes. But I think there are far wider concerns and this was touched on in the article written by Larry


Such as?


Primarily the issue of privacy and who would have access to the various DNA databases across the world – this was touched on during the interview I conducted. The person who spoke of this was deeply concerned that such a weapon could easily be abused in the hands of people who sought to exploit it should they wish to raid these databases and use them unscrupulously


But isn’t that the case with any weapon?


It is, but the way the DNA gun works separates it from other weapons because of the method it uses to target its victim. How that DNA information would have to be accessed to make it functional is certainly an issue not be be taken lightly, and in the wrong hands such information could be lethal. DNA is collected for many different reasons by many different organisations, this could open up serious privacy issues about the usage of this information.


So do you think there’s a moral obligation on behalf of the organisations that store DNA or on the authorities that may have access to this weapon?


I think both


You say on the cover this is part 1 – are you saying there’s more to come?


I have a lot more research to do on what I was told during those interviews, so yes I will be working on the next part


Any timescales on when people can expect that?


When the research is finished then I can start to work on it so it will take time.


Are you able to divulge any details?


The Bermuda Triangle


And that’s it?


I was told of an incident that took place in the Bermuda Triangle but I’m still researching this as it is highly sensitive 


Tell me this, how do you go about researching something that took place in the Bermuda Triangle?


There are ways but I cannot say anything as that could jeopardise my sources


So just to be clear, you’re saying one of your interviews covered an incident in the Bermuda Triangle and that this is highly sensitive but it will be in the next part of this story – is that correct?




Are you working on anything else that be of interest to readers of this interview?


I’m also part of the creative team behind ARES, a science-fiction movie currently in development with Warner Brothers.


So you have a particular thing about science-fiction?



Special thanks to ZWT Jameson for taking the time out to participate in this interview and if you have wish to investigate his work further you can find more information at:




The interview was carried out with complete anonymity

I feel a duty to post this to my site as this was an interview I conducted with a witness who claimed to be working in the morgue at the Pitie Salpetriere hospital in Paris when the victims of the crash near the Eiffel Tower arrived.

Rather than discuss the detail it is best to watch and understand why the crash has always been defined as paranormal or unexplained.

The disclosure of previously unknown facts concerning UFO sightings and alien artifacts by whistleblower David Grusch is now validating much of what many of us have said for many years.

I have always maintained and always will that this crash & the one on the M6 are linked and to this day no adequate explanation has been offered that removes the possibility of paranormal activity, time travel and / or UFO / alien activity was a cause of these incidents.

The identity of the witness is protected at their request.

Here’s the interview:

Morgue technician interview

The only witness footage ever to have surfaced from what became known as the M6 Paranormal Crash was corroborated by a witness in this interview:


During the interview the witness confirms the key point that they couldn’t see any occupants in the vehicles at the front of the crash scene.

Witness to the M6 Paranormal Crash

This version of events is also further corroborated by the police radio clip:


The M6 Paranormal Crash coverage in the Fortean Times

This still the only known footage from the scene of the M6 Paranormal Crash:


The line of fire responsible for the bright light reportedly seen by witnesses
Rumours of alien life forms at the crash scene surfaced – none of which were corroborated
Speculation that time travel was the cause behind the crash has never been confirmed or ruled out
Coverage of the incident spread worldwide

In October 2010 an unexplained crash occurred on the M6 near Birmingham, England.

This crash became known & reported as the M6 Paranormal Crash. This was due to the fact that witnesses alleged that the occupants in the vehicles at the front of the crash had disappeared and a piercing white light was seen directly before the crash.

Named the ‘Milky Way Motorway’ according to one report, the crash has remained a mystery to this day.

However the emergence of this audio extract is potentially proof that there were no occupants in the vehicles at the front of the crash.

No explanation has been offered about their whereabouts, how they disappeared or what happened to them.

This was sent to me via a trusted source.

This is an extract from the first responder calling in what they say they witnessed at the crash scene:


This extract helps to corroborate the only known witness video from the scene of the crash:


The 1 of 26 Twitter account is a mystery in itself. It stood idle for years and then in 2019 a location Tweet was posted.

I didn’t think much of this, in fact I overlooked it completely until recently. To understand the potential significance of the post in 2019 we must firstly be aware of two other parts of the puzzle.

The location coordinates from the post in 2019 are the Bermuda Triangle. Here’s an image:

So that piece of evidence on its own has no real significance until I examined this extract from the 1 of 26 book:

ZWT Jameson has always claimed that elements of the book are based on actual witness testimony and that he wove in a narrative to turn these testimonies into the book.

Now of course there are tales of Nazi loot constantly making headlines and the majority of these accounts tend to suggest this loot is hidden across Europe. Switzerland is accused of holding billions of dollars worth of Nazi loot and to this day revelations are constantly making headlines such as this recent article.

I’ve often theorised the concept that the book was either a visual code that somehow aligned to the 1 of 26 Twitter feed and each combined to solve various puzzles planted deep into the narrative of the book.

So how does this link the book, the location on the Tweet and Nazi loot?

I started to research a few areas concerning the end of WW2.

One thing we do know is that many prominent Nazis escaped from Germany at the end of WW2 and used a series of ‘Rattenlinien’ or ‘rat lines’ to secure passage to South America.

Typically these routes would go via Spain or Rome & Genoa then on to Argentina. More information can be found here.

Argentina was deemed a safe country for Nazis fleeing from justice. The country had a sizeable German immigrant population & a regime that was sympathetic.

This extract from the website History.com explains it well:

‘In the years after the end of the war, Argentine President Juan Peron secretly ordered diplomats and intelligence officers to establish escape routes, so-called “ratlines,” through ports in Spain and Italy to smuggle thousands of former SS officers and Nazi party members out of Europe. As with numerous other fascist-leaning South American leaders, Peron had been drawn to the ideologies of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler while serving as a military attaché in Italy during the early years of World War II. The Argentine president also sought to recruit those Nazis with particular military and technical expertise that he believed could help his country, much like the United States and the Soviet Union who both poached scientists from the Third Reich to assist them in the Cold War’ – source : History.com

Many escaped via steamship but research shows there’s little or no evidence of any German boats being sunk or captured in the Bermuda Triangle. A dead end?

I turned my attention to the possibility of a German U boat being discovered in the Bermuda Triangle.

U-505 was the evidence I needed. This U boat was captured by the US Navy in June 1944 and towed to Bermuda. More information about that incident can be read here.

This proved there was U boat activity in and around the Bermuda Triangle.

I then turned my attentions to U 530. Mystery surrounds the activities of this U boat.

For two months the whereabouts of U 530 are unknown as there was no ships log. The identities of the crew were also unknown because they carried no identification papers.

This U boat surrendered at Mar del Plata in Argentina in July 1945. The U boat had jettisoned its deck gun. There has never been an adequate explanation about the boats activities.

Rumours persist that this U boat may have been carrying highly important Nazis to South America.

So this research confirmed that there was U boat activity in and around the Bermuda Triangle and that at least one U boat, U 505 was captured by allied forces during WW2.

Documents confirm there are 50 U boats that remain unaccounted for. The majority of these will be sunk somewhere & may never be found.

But where are they and what secrets do they hold? And where’s the potential link to the map location on the 1 of 26 Twitter feed and a fleeting reference in the book?

There are a few theories I have.

Firstly a German U boat was carrying Nazi gold and got into trouble or was sunk by allied forces operating in the Bermuda Triangle. Its final resting place remains unknown, as does the cargo & any crew & passengers on board.

This U boat had Nazi gold on board and its secrets lay at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle along with the stolen loot.

Another theory is that a German mission was hatched at the end of the war to hide Nazi gold underwater until it was safe to reclaim it.

With many Nazis attempting to escape to South America and the shallower waters of the Bermuda Triangle making it easier to reclaim the stolen gold, would they have buried this gold at sea and was the Bermuda Triangle a logical place to carry out the plan given the proximity to countries like Argentina?

We do know that there are crates containing either gold or information about the whereabouts of Nazi loot at the bottom of Lake Topltiz in Austria.

There is a difference, both logistically given the location, and also in the storage units required, to hide loot at the bottom of the sea but we also know the Nazis had form and the knowledge to carry out this type of mission given the Lake Toplitz episode.

A final theory I have is that there may be a sunken U boat at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle with a far more troubling secret: one that the allies would rather not be made public.

There are many accounts claiming that Hitler escaped to Argentina. Including this one.

Whilst forensic evidence of Hitler’s remains continue to dispute this, the rumours and conspiracy theories persist.

Since Stalin’s claim that Hitler escaped in 1945 these rumours have refused to go away. With mounting medical evidence that refutes the claims pushing against a tide of conspiracy theories we know one thing for sure, the US and certain South American countries benefited from the influx of German scientists at the end of WW2 so a rumour to suggest that Hitler had in fact escaped would not fit the narrative we’ve been fed ever since the end of the war.

We know of Operation Paperclip. We know the US gained a lot of expertise from former NAZI scientists so how inconvenient would it be for there to be evidence that exists which would challenge what we have come to know as the accepted narrative concerning the demise of Hitler?

I suspect the forensic evidence is correct and Hitler died in that bunker in Berlin. And whilst the rumours persist about Hitler living out his final days in Argentina the evidence to contradict this is overwhelming.

However I also suspect that there is something to the theory that German U boats may have been used to transport Nazi gold around the world. Possibly to hide it until many years later.

The Bermuda Triangle would be a fairly good place to carry out such a mission. The last place the allies would search would be some kind of underwater hideout at sea. At the time such a plan would have surely been considered too outlandish?

The whistleblower theory about 1 of 26 is brought sharply into the focus when looked at in context with the 1 of 26 Twitter feed. The posts on the feed reference many different locations and other interesting subjects such as people associated with scientific endeavours.

How relevant they are is hard to judge and I shall be carrying out more research in the coming weeks and months.

I have also sent a message to the publishers of the book, Global Publishing, but am awaiting a response to my questions.

I can be reached here or via ColinZHall

Thanks for reading.

I’m working on a theory at the moment that I wanted to post as I conduct some final research.

Needless to say I’ve said previously that there is a possibility that 1 of 26 is a whistleblowers mechanism to secrete sensitive information into the public domain without the risk of retribution.

I revisited the 1 of 26 Twitter feed and noticed a post from 2019:

I’ve dismissed it previously but of course in the context of the book it makes more sense.

I will post more on this in the coming days as I cross reference more research.

Meanwhile if you Google the location coordinates from the post in 2019, which I may add is over 12 years after the previous post you will see where I’m going with this.

In 2021 headlines hit the media that an FM signal has been detected and the location is one of Jupiter’s moons, Ganymede.

In 2018 I read the first release of a book called 1 of 26.

In 2020 and after a few exchanges, I conducted an interview with the writer ZWT Jameson.

During the interview Jameson claimed that they took several ‘witness’ statements and wove them into a narrative that formed the basis of the book.

My interview can be read here.

There’s a passage in the book in which some of the characters discuss a cover up of a signal coming from Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons.

Is this another example of a cover up being framed within a fictional book to help protect the whistleblower?

Here’s an extract from that passage:

As I’ve alluded to in previous posts, whistleblowers don’t seem to fair to well when they are outed.

You only have to look at Julian Assange, Edward Snowdon & Chelsea Manning to see what treatment they received or indeed are still receiving as a result of divulging government secrets.

So is this the perfect way to divulge the sensitive information they have?

To my knowledge no arrests have been made from any of the ‘secrets’ divulged on the book and Jameson along with his band of cohorts are only too willing to repost my theories online.

Perhaps they are aware there is no risk to anyone involved in these disclosures?

The phrase ‘hidden in plain sight’ can aptly be used when attributing these allegations and the way they have been disclosed into the public domain.

It’s now just over six months since Russia invaded the Ukraine, an invasion that was preceded by all manner of official Russian denials it had any intention of invading its neighbour & former member of the USSR.

The mass build up of military forces at the border of Ukraine lasted months and whilst NATO sat by and procrastinated Russia invaded the Ukraine on the 24th of February.

Since the invasion, or to use Putin’s irrelevant term, special military operation, millions of Ukrainians have been displaced in Europe’s largest migration crisis since WW2.

Thousands of Ukrainian civilians have been killed, thousands more abducted & taken to Russia & thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have died defending their country.

The usual Russian tactics of targeting civilian infrastructure & as a result, civilians, has resulted in many war crimes being committed, all of which have been rebuked by Putin and his media mouthpieces.

And yet when Darya Dugina was blown up in a car bomb that was allegedly targeting her father Aleksandr, a close ally of Putin, the same media kicked into gear and called her a martyr. The FSB have apparently solved the crime and accused the a Ukrainian woman from the Azov regiment for the murder.

However in many respects the tit for tat exchanges in the media & even the events on the battlefield, which appear to have reached stalemate, are almost an aside to what is now playing out across the West.

Ever since the war started in February a slew of sanctions have been announced by governments across the west targeting the assets of Russia’s oligarchs and those close to Putin and also Russian exports. Crucially these include gas and oil exports.

The UK and in particular the EU have been dependent on oil and gas exports from Russia for many years so the shockwaves of these sanctions reverberated around the region and have manifested themselves in huge rises in the prices of these commodities.

Gas in particular has become the weapon of choice that Putin is using the exert pressure on the west.

Putin had always warned the west that sanctions would hurt us more than it would hurt Russia. Possibly a brave statement but with ever closer ties to China and other countries who are willing to buy oil & gas from Russia, these words are coming back to haunt the west.

But it’s not just oil and gas. Grain exports have been heavily compromised and are only just restarting after many months of inactivity.

However fuel is the biggest issue. Oil and gas feed into the costs of almost everything we consume and with inflation jumping at rates not seen since the early 80s and household budgets being squeezed, governments across the west are pulling out all the stops to quell the impact of the war in Ukraine.

These costs will mount up as the conflict continues and with winter approaching there is a very definite feel in the air that a peace deal must be brokered between the Ukraine and Russia: not just for the good of the very people on the front line but for the good of people around the world.

Putin will be well aware of the actions taken by the west and is riled by the amount of arms being sent to support the Ukraine so the long game is one he will most definitely consider.

Can he declare a victory now and try to broker a peace deal? Would he countenance such a deal now when he knows that winter is only a few months away and the west’s resolve may start to crack?

It is one thing for governments to pledge support and present one front in the summer but when thousands of not millions are being plunged into fuel poverty will those same governments crack and look for a way out that will compromise the integrity of Ukraine’s borders?

Can Zelensky be talked into a compromise for the good of the majority in lieu of his battered country? Dare the west try to enforce a deal that may imbue Putin with a sense of renewed bravado and give him the confidence to go after another land grab?

The one thing that Putin has catastrophically miscalculated was the reaction of the west and in particular those countries who were on the fringes of NATO.

NATO is perhaps more united that any time in recent years and with Sweden & Finland joining the alliance, they form a formidable barrier to Russian influence in the region.

However all of that pales into insignificance this coming winter is cold and long and the people across the west cannot heat their homes or feed themselves due to spiraling inflationary pressures brought about by the supply chain crisis caused by oil & gas shortages.

Public sentiment has, by and large, been very supportive of the plight of the Ukrainians but Putin knows the greatest test of resilience to this support with play out in the coming months.

Governments across the west are scrambling to put support packages in place but inflationary pressure across the board has now seen strike action in the UK as unions fight to secure pay deals reflective of the new normal in an inflationary economy.

How long before peaceful demonstrations and strike action turn violent? Will the public be as vociferous in their support of the Ukraine when the temperature gauge hits minus 5 and people are freezing in their own homes?

Will there be more support for the population, especially in the UK where the energy price cap is predicted to approach £4000?

What pressures do these energy prices exert on the public finances? After the battering economies took during the pandemic will the stomach be there to throw even more public money at the public to help them through this extremely difficult period?

Is this headline from the Daily Express a hint that the coffers are empty?

The west needs to plot a route that best serves the people of Ukraine, people of the west and also prevents Putin from taking some sort of victory away from the invasion launched on the 24th of February.

The west must also consider any approach to placate Putin will alert China to the possibility of taking further action in their quest for control of Taiwan.

As we saw with Nancy Pelosi’s recent visit to Taiwan, tensions can easily escalate. The Chinese were so offended with the visit they embarked on a series of military exercises off the coast Taiwan to show their disdain.

With Moscow and Beijing currently enjoying a diplomatic bromance and both leaders seemingly hell bent on asserting their authority the west cannot afford any mistakes in how they deal with these situations.

A difficult few months lie ahead, not least for the people of Ukraine.

How the west reacts and supports people through this current cost of living crisis will perhaps dictate how any diplomatic route to peace may evolve.

Autocracy is in ascendancy, of that there is now doubt. Autocrats across the world are flagrantly ignoring international law and goading the west as they flout the west’s attempts to assert any form of authority.

Myanmar being another case in point where the military junta are using all the powers they have grabbed to push back against any form of social uprising.

Many will be looking to Russia for clues on much resolve the west will have come the winter months as the energy crisis bites hard on western homes.

33 years since it was issued, Hadi Matar attempted to carry out the fatwa issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The Supreme Leader of Iran after the 1979 Iranian Revolution, issued the fatwa on Feb. 14, 1989, ordering Muslims to kill Mr. Rushdie and putting a price on his head of several million dollar

Despite the very public issuing of the fatwa, Iranian state media on Monday dismissed any direct link but claimed Rushdie had deserved to be assaulted because of his book The Satanic Verses, in which some say he described the prophet Muhammad in blasphemous terms.

Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said Tehran “categorically” denied any link, adding “no-one has the right to accuse the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

“In this attack, we do not consider anyone other than Salman Rushdie and his supporters worthy of blame and even condemnation,” the spokesman said during his weekly press conference in Tehran.

“By insulting the sacred matters of Islam and crossing the red lines of more than 1.5 billion Muslims and all followers of the divine religions, Salman Rushdie has exposed himself to the anger and rage of the people.”

So there we have it. Another writer attacked, another stab at the heart of free speech.

But maybe not.

Thankfully Salman Rushdie escaped with his life, due in no small part to the intervention of the staff on duty that day. According to his agent he is now off the ventilator and has begun the long road to recovery.

The upshot of this attack has meant that not only has Hadi Matar put Rushdie back on the front pages of the world’s media but he has also unwittingly triggered a surge in sales of Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses.

We await the comment of the Iranian government about this surge in popularity of the book. Doubtless there will be many for whom this is going to increase their ire at the writer and his book.

Since the attack numerous writers have, quite rightly, come out and declared their shock & disgust at the attack.

And of course with this support comes the usual barrage of abuse. JK Rowling posted on the day of the attack “Horrifying news. Feeling very sick right now. Let him be ok”

A perfectly reasonable response from one author to another.

Meer Asif Asiz didn’t think so, he replied “Don’t worry you are next.” The Tweet has been shared and the police are now investigating the threat.

Making a threat on a public platform is never really a clever thing to do, and we hope the police investigate & deal with this person swiftly. But this shows the sheer brazenness of someone who appears to hold no fear of the authorities and the implications of their actions.

That this attack has now resulted in more people than ever knowing about and reading The Satanic Verses must be causing consternation amongst those who sought to see out the fatwa.

Salman Rushdie joins a long list of journalists and writers persecuted for their work and this incident only serves to remind us that there are some people out there who will stop at nothing to exact their idea of retribution.

Between 1992 and the present day 2164 journalists and media workers have been killed according to the CPJ.

Journalist Dom Phillips & Brazilian Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira are just two more examples, both were killed this year whilst working in the Amazon forest investigating what’s happening to the region.

Freedom of speech is something that we hold dearly and the ability to express an opinion or investigate a subject matter should be free of intimidation.

Hong Kong has seen recent erosions of press freedom to the point where there is virtually no free press now. Another example of journalists coming under attack and their ability to report freely being removed, this time by the State.

Autocratic regimes, criminals & their expensive lawyers, along with dodgy politicians and all manner of self-interest groups have become an ever-increasing thorn in the side of free speech.

This appears to have accelerated in recent years as crackdowns become ever more brazen with the perpetrators holding no fear of the laws in their respective countries – some regimes will even change the laws to suit their goals and control the narrative flow of the media.

However whilst there are journalists and authors working away and willing to take the risks associated with speaking out there is still hope that freedom of speech can survive and prove that the pen is still mightier than the sword.

Compared to a post I wrote in 2018 about the whistle blower theory I felt the need to revisit a few key facts that have manifested themselves as turning from fiction into fact.

In 2018 the first draft of 1 of 26,now released in 2022 by Global Publishing was presented as science fiction and contained several areas of alleged facts based on investigations I carried out into the incidents that became known, rather infamously, as the M6 Paranormal Crash and the Paris Paranormal Crash. This handy article published last year summarises these events and some background information surrounding them.

So we have, and not necessarily in any order:

Quarantine Zones:

In 1 of 26 Quarantine Zones are a way of controlling populations & used indiscriminately by the main protagonist in the book, Kallyuke.

In the real world we have zones such as these being used in China to control the movements of the Uyghurs.

We know that Russia is now setting up containment camps to contain people extradited from Ukraine.

The Pandemic:

In 1 of 26 the pandemic was something that took hold over a lengthy period of time & helped speed up the breakdown of societal structures as we know them now.

One key plot point in the book was the fact agents were used to travel back in time to secure key ingredients to help develop a vaccine.

As we know, Covid has very much been part of the last 2 and a half years and in some instances has instigated civil unrest.

Media control:

1 of 26 talks about the manipulation of society for the greater good and also details how servers in our time are being hacked to port back information, much of it historical, into the future to help rebuild knowledge of the past.

Now of course media manipulation is nothing new here, but some of the details bear more than a passing resemblance to what has happened in Hong Kong in recent times where past freedoms have been eroded. Much of this has happened since the Covid pandemic.

First Contact:

In the book this is alleged to have taken place in 2009 and the details of this are stored on the International Space Station.

There’s nothing to suggest this allegation is true. However recently the Pentagon went on record to announce they are investigating about 400 UFO sightings that are of interest and they investigating further. A report on this can be read here.

The DNA gun:

This weapon is noted in 1 of 26 as a highly sophisticated gun capable of firing a round that traces its victim to their DNA. The implications for such a weapon are hugely significant given the precise targeting mechanism used.

Again whilst there is no specific development program being made public, a member of the US House Intelligence Committee went public to warn Americans of future biological weapons being developed based on such DNA tracking technology. The report can be read here. This report was released in July 2022.

In May 2020 an article surfaced on the Paranormal Globe web site suggesting that the CIA could be using alien technology from Area 51 to create this weapon. The report directly links back to 1 of 26. The report can be read here.

So how do these and other allegations I made on the 2018 article I wrote connect?

Amongst many theories I’ve looked at, the whistle blower theory is one that holds the most amount of sway with me. Is the book some form of futuristic manifesto warning us of possible eventualities that will come true or are they a succession of events that have a basis in fact and the only way to secrete these into the public domain is via a book that is disguised as fictional?

The reason I pose this point is, much like the article I wrote in 2018, whistleblowers don’t tend to get a decent hand dealt to them after they’ve gone public.

Since that article Edward Snowden has made several statements from exile in Russia.

Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder, is still fighting extradition from the UK to face charges in the US. And it took a Presidential pardon from Barack Obama to save Chelsea Manning from facing a very long term in prison.

So as before, I state what I said back in 2018, a whistleblower takes a very high risk when going public with sensitive information the state would rather not have in the public domain.

There are many more examples of whistleblowers, such as the hundreds, maybe even thousands, who have fled the authorities in countries like China who face the daily threat of either being captured or assassinated.

For these people, too much sensitive knowledge makes them the risk to a state and therefore in that state’s eyes, a legitimate target for persecution.

If you were going to be a whistleblower & wanted to safeguard yourself and your family, using a fictional book to ‘out’ the sensitive information you hold may be the safest way.

So what does that make ZWT Jameson? A willing participant? The whistleblower-in-chief or something else? Perhaps there is a clue contained on this profile of the writer, where they state they are ‘always looking for the story beyond the headlines’ – is this some sort of code that gives an insight into the unnervingly accurate points this book raises?

Thanks for reading.

I’ve read 1 of 26 on a few occasions now, including the first edition that came out in early 2020 & I’ve conducted an interview with ZWT Jameson during which he claimed the book is a hybrid of his own writing and narrative from interviews he claims to have carried out with people who were witnesses to key events that feature in the book.

One thing that cannot be denied is that certain events within the book are hard to prove or disprove without any real supporting evidence. However there is some evidence out there that offers a tantalizing glimpse into what may have really happened in Paris & on the M6.

So for the crash on the M6 we have a video and a handful of reports by Mark Collins and ditto for what happened in Paris.

It would be easy to dismiss the book as something of a mash up based on the reports mingled in with a little imagination to make things appear to be more real than they actually are – I have no doubt about that.

But then you get to this extract and suddenly you see things in a different light given the slew of crises we are facing in the world right now. This is lifted straight out of the book and has everything to do with fuel rationing – sound familiar given what is happening in the world today?

So compare the extract from the book to this article recently published in Bloomberg

And the fuel rationing recently announced in Sri Lanka:

Is 1 of 26 a pure piece of speculative science fiction or is there more to the book?

I can’t answer that, my own investigation into what happened on the M6 & in Paris certainly left many unanswered questions and more than one loose end that I simply couldn’t answer.

One thing is for sure, fuel rationing is possibly set to become a reality for many of us in the near future & the chapter in 1 of 26 that contains this extract seems eerily prescient.

That could be coincidence, good writing from a speculative fiction writer or indeed it could be that an element of truth is contained within the book based on those interviews Jameson claims to have conducted when he was doing his research.

Time travel is an oft-used trope within the science fiction genre and quite often we’ll see someone, usually wearing a mask, appear in the papers pretending to be a time traveler from the future warning us of our impending doom.

These warnings tend to take the form of a poorly made video clip to try and disguise the real identity of the so-called sooth sayer. The mainstream media seems to enjoy posting these comic creations but they do very little to help support any evidence of time travel being possible. In fact they possibly hinder research as these videos tend to open the concept to all manner of ridicule.

With 1 of 26 there’s been very little in the way of such media, and what exists is often difficult to decipher, such as the alleged video of the crash, or other footage that has surfaced with little or no corroborating evidence.

For example, what are we to make of the suspect interview in Paris? Another piece of evidence or part of an elaborate prank?

The video released of the alleged suspect holding something in his hands that appears to be similar to the syringe cited in the book is another interesting piece of potential evidence.

But of course, like so many pieces of evidence posted about this case, there were no further leads or concrete facts to support the video.

Fuel rationing is just one element that provides such proof. The fact the book was initially written prior to the pandemic lends the writer and these supposed witnesses more credibility than most when it comes to the claims made in the text.

The world we live in today seems to provide the most reliable evidence to suggest this book and the writer have some basis in fact when it comes to the subject matter.

Then there is the subject of media control and of course the rise of autocratic leaders across the world. Now these aren’t new subjects and have often been covered, especially in dystopian science fiction. What differs 1 of 26 from its contemporaries is the accuracy of how it depicts what is happening right now – that’s a key differential.


Another piece of my investigation I was able to verify was about Jameson himself. We’ve never met and have only corresponded with each other in writing. However when you look at ZWT Jameson’s profile page on the publishers site, Global, it reveals more info about the author.

Jameson is involved in a movie called Ares, and further investigation uncovered a link to an IMDB page.

Further investigation uncovered that this movie is set to be directed by Academy award winning director Robert Zemeckis.

Now of course having not met Jameson and knowing Zemeckis’ love of science fiction – let’s not forget he directed the movie Contact starring Jodie Foster & Matthew McConaughey, a story about extra-terrestrial life and time travel, I started to speculate as to whether there’s a link between these two people.

And let’s also it forget the huge hit that was the Back to the Future trilogy. Zemeckis’ trilogy was riddled with the consequences of time travel.

It’s a stretch I know, but, and I hasten to add this is pure speculation, what if they were one and the same? Now that would be a fascinating link should it have any basis in fact. As we know, many creatives have used pseudonyms to put out side projects. Witness JK Rowling’s use of the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, this only came to light when Chris Gossage revealed it via a Twitter exchange with Judith Callegari & the journalist India Knight.

If there was a link between Robert Zemeckis & ZWT Jameson beyond their apparent association with the movie Ares, that could offer an explanation about how some, maybe all, of the video footage came to be in the public domain.

It doesn’t explain the interviews I carried out though. Including one with someone who claimed to work at the morgue in Paris where the bodies were taken. Unless they were actors & we’re all part of an elaborate hoax.

I’ve always maintained that to create such an elaborate hoax would require a motive, and a lot of cash. To perpetrate this level of hoax would also require technical skills behind the camera & writing skills to create all the content. The more I think about the possibility of a link between Jameson & Zemeckis in the light of all we know, the more I want to believe it’s plausibility.

One final footnote and something that is relevant to the world as the G7 nations & NATO debate the war in Ukraine. I think this extract best puts into context the relevance of the book with respect to today’s current political tensions.

Thanks, Colin Z Hall


Since sharing this post things have changed dramatically in Sri Lanka as protesters storm the President’s residence. More can be read here.

The cause of the protests has been months of economic uncertainty which has been exacerbated by fuel rationing.